
It’s been a pretty crazy first half of the year for all of us, huh?

Regardless of your situation, we’ve all been impacted in one way or another through this pandemic.

Whether you’re a small business owner like me, or you had to adjust to working from home or teaching the kids.

Not to mention the isolation and what that does to the mind.

I’ve heard from several people…

“I just need a break.”

So today, I wanted to dig into a valuable lesson I learned a few years back.

Rest vs Renewal.

You know we always talk about taking care of yourself first, putting your own mask on first, and so forth. 

We know that in order to take care of those around us we have to be at our best. 

I know that if I want to be a good leader for the team, I have to be at my best. 

The coaches know that if they want to put on the best "show" for the clients, they first have to be at their best. 

You know that in order to take care of your family, you have to make sure you're taking care of first. 


How do you do that?

We're all familiar with resting….taking a break.

It's hard to do, but it's pretty simple in concept. 

Get your 7-9 hours of sleep, take a nap if necessary, etc. 

However, have you ever had all your sleep, taken the weekend "off", or tried to just sit and "rest", and then at the end of any of those you actually don't feel recharged?

It's because you didn't renew yourself. 

Your body needs rest.

Your mind needs to be renewed. 

And for most of us at this point, it’s a mental game.

So, how do you renew yourself?

Some examples...

I’ll state the obvious one first.

Jump into a workout at Spurling, whether that’s online or outdoors right now.

We know the benefits of exercise.

You may feel physically tired at the end, but you're mentally fresh and renewed at the end. 

Another strategy for renewal includes completing a task, get something done off your to-do list, or finally get that desk organized or that project you’ve always wanted to do.

I’ve witnessed first hand so many hobbies come out during all of this…

In fact, I built Megan a raised garden bed and she now takes care of it like it’s our third child.

In all seriousness though, it’s become a hobby of hers, and after the kids go to bed she goes out there, takes care of it, and is inspired by the growth.

She feels renewed.

I know for Kim and I, and maybe many of you, it’s writing.

You get all your current thoughts onto paper. All of a sudden you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders. 

You feel renewed. 

Other things include getting outside, getting into nature.

There is nothing a good nature walk can’t fix.

As a final idea, revisit your vision, your goals, and your why.

I know for me, that renews me, it keeps me excited about the future.

So, whether it’s a hobby, some activity, or that thing you’ve been putting off because you just didn’t have enough time, find something that renews you.

True physical rest is important, don't get me wrong. 

However, my challenge to you today is if you find yourself resting and not feeling fresh and at your best, try to do something that renews you. 

1% better. 

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling