89 Days (Our Doors Open Tomorrow)

89 days.

89 days of stress, anxiety, frustrations, fears, excitement, confusion…

What other emotions have we all felt over the last three months?

It’s been 89 days since we’ve been allowed to have clients inside our physical doors, but I’m excited to announce that starting tomorrow (June 17th) we’re allowed to run in-facility training sessions.

To say the last 89 days have been crazy would be an understatement, but I think there’s a lot of good to come out of it.

We’ve been able to come together more as a team, our staff energy and culture is at an all-time high.

Our client’s energy and enthusiasm to get moving again is contagious.

We were able to raise over $5,000 for our local community organizations during this pandemic.

Our entire business model has shifted, in a positive way.

We have been able to build out an online arm to our offerings, STREAM allows clients to workout LIVE with a coach throughout the day, and if they miss it, catch the recording anytime.

We added a yoga and mobility session called STRETCH.

We doubled down on our Small Group Personal Training environment with both STRONG & SWEAT.

And to complete the S5, we built in more capacity for every client to do monthly STRATEGY sessions with a coach, 1:1 personal accountability, and “problem-solving” meetings.

You can read more about these upgrades here.

I can say with extreme confidence that after 89 days we’re ready.

We are so excited to welcome you back in our doors, and if you’re not ready, that’s cool too.

Please note, if you’re not comfortable or your schedule does not allow you to walk through our physical doors we’re going to continue with the STREAM (online) sessions, and we will keep up with some level of outdoor sessions, just be patient with us as we evaluate the frequency of each of those offerings week by week.

As we make the transition back into our facility, please know that the health and safety of you and your loved ones is our highest priority. We will continue to follow the orders of the State of Maine and the Maine CDC.

That does also mean that there will be some changes, and I know change is hard, but please be kind to each other as we all navigate this together.

We’re excited to get back into our facility with the following precautions in mind: 

  1. While the gym was closed we stripped everything down, painted every wall, cleaned every surface, and even worked on some nice upgrades to the lobby and bathrooms. We also installed a foot-operated door opener on the entry door so clients can enter the facility without using their hands. 

  2. We spent thousands of dollars on more equipment to allow clients to not have to share equipment while we all take these extra precautions.

  3. We have adjusted our programming and facility layout to allow clients to have their own individual working space in their session, a “pod” as we call it. This allows ample space, marked off with tape, and 14’ of distance between you and the next client during any vigorous exercise.

  4. We will be limiting all sessions to 8 clients to allow for more spacing and more individualized coaching.

  5. In addition to not needing to share equipment before disinfecting it, and physically distancing each client, we have hourly cleaning protocols in place covering every square inch of the facility. 

  6. We will keep sessions to 50 minutes to allow us time to clean the facility for the next session, in addition to the cleaning that goes on throughout the session. 

  7. Please remove yourself from a session 24 hours ahead of time to allow those on the waitlist to get notified, and please don’t signup less than 6 hours ahead of a session as the coaches need to prep for each of your sessions.

  8. Clients will use the provided wipes to disinfect all surfaces and equipment touched during the session, and the staff will do a second cleaning after the clients leave. 

  9. We ask that clients use the provided hand sanitizer pre and post-session.

  10. We also ask that you only use the “hands-free” portion of the water fountain at this time

  11. The shower is not available at this time.

  12. Staff will be wearing masks as they are in the building a “prolonged period” of time, per state guidelines.

  13. We originally planned on installing Air Conditioning in our facility this summer. At this time we have put that on hold in plans to have our two 14’ overhead garage doors open to allow for improved air quality.

  14. Please don’t arrive more than 10 minutes before your session, and for now, please don’t congregate in the lobby, feel free to socialize outside. This will limit congestion in smaller areas.

  15. As you enter the facility for the first time we do have a new waiver and membership agreement for you to sign, so please see the front desk before entering the facility.

I realize this is a lot and you may not like all of it.

I know it can be overwhelming, but it is for the health and safety of you, your fellow clients, and our team.

We’re so excited about the summer at Spurling!

Let’s go!

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling