In The Drive For Fitness, Don't Forget Wellness

We all work so hard trying to get our bodies in shape that we forget why we’re working out and eating healthier in the first place. Everyone starts a fitness journey with a goal, I want to lose 20lbs, I want to gain muscle, I want to be able to be more active for my family. One thing we often overlook though is the “why”, and that’s easily the #1 motivator to achieve those goals. For someone who’s goal is to lose 20 lbs, their why is because they don’t like how they feel and they’re not happy with their current self. For someone who wants to gain muscle, they may think that’s a desirable quality to have. For someone who wants to be more active for their family, they could be a parent or grandparent who wants to keep up with the rugrats even though they’re not as young as they used to be. These are all perfect goals and exceptional “why’s”, one thing we all need to continue reminding ourselves is the phrase “Be kind”. Be kind toward others working hard to achieve their why. Be kind to yourself working as hard as you can to achieve yours. They say fitness is a journey, and it’s a long one. You need to make sure when your body reaches the goal you set for yourself, your self worth is still intact. A journey has stumbles, you may fall, you may even lose ground. Responding with negativity only ensures failure, surround yourself with kindness and support and whatever your “why” is, you’re guaranteed to achieve it.

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