Don't Leave It To Chance...

According to high-performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais, as humans there are only three things we can train.

  1. Our Craft

  2. Our Body

  3. Our Mind

The best in the world don’t leave any of these three up to chance.

And that’s they key.

We are going to be proactive in our approach to make sure we prioritize (podcast 81 coming out on Thursday is all about this) our day to assure we have these three basis covered.

We often talk about training our bodies, that’s things like good exercise habits, healthy nutrition habits, etc.

Training our mind could be things like meditation, but also working on things like optimism, control, grit, calm, confidence, focus, etc.

Working the mind is a murky subject, but the important thing is you “train” it every day.

That could be things like journaling, mindfulness, going to therapy, mental exercises, etc.

And finally, we must train our craft.

What is your purpose and passion?

What do you do every day, whether that is your actual job or a passion project, what are you trying to be the best in the world at?

We must not only do our craft daily, but we must train to get better at it.

It’s the never ending pursuit of getting better, 1% Better.

It’s challenging the way you do things, finding better ways to do it, and connecting with those who want to support you along the way.

So, here’s my question for today…

Your body. Your mind. Your craft.

Are you training these three things or are you leaving it up to chance?

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling