Home For The Holidays

You just can’t do it.

One more thing.

I know, I know.

But hear me out.

What is your plan to finish out 2020?

I know we’re all looking forward to 2020 being over, but I’m a firm believer that how you finish 2020 is going to be a strong indicator of your success in 2021.

If you’ve put on some extra weight during this pandemic and/or your stress is at an all-time high I want to invite you to join our newest program.

Plus, it’s designed to not be overwhelming, and in fact, give you some sense of routine and healthy habits.


35-Day Home For The Holidays Challenge.

Here’s how it works…

  1. We kick off on 11/30.

  2. Simply click the link to register, donate whatever you can and proceeds go to our local Secret Santa

  3. We’ll e-mail you access to the online group

Once you get into the group and we kick off on 11/30, you’ll get the following

  1. 3 live workouts to choose from each day, with a coach leading you through the entire thing

  2. Access to our on-demand library with dozens of workouts you can do on your own

  3. Daily nutrition, accountability, and motivation from our coaches so you actually stick with it and don’t feel overwhelmed.

This year has been tough, I get it.

A lot of people are just going to throw their hands up in the air and wait until 2021 to try and get a fitness routine going.

However, how many times have you told yourself you’ll start next week, next month, next year?

There is no perfect time.

There is only now.

We’d be honored to help you finish 2020 strong, all from the comfort of your own home.

Plus, we know times are weird so we want to make the barrier to entry pretty low.

Simply donate what you can and you’ll get access to the 35-day coaching program.

And, proceeds from your donation will go straight to Secret Santa, buying local gifts for families in our local communities.

We kick off on 11/30 so register now

Register & Donate Here ===>>> 35-Day Home For The Holidays Challenge

See you on the inside.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling

PS: You don’t have to work out every day of the week to have success in this program. We just have something on the schedule every day that way it’s there if you need it. Even doing anything, one or two a week will give you that boost you need this holiday season.

Plus, you’re doing some good as your donation goes straight to our local Secret Santa

Register & Donate Here ===>>> 35-Day Home For The Holidays Challenge