Proper Back Positioning For Squatting

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(Credit for above post goes to Precision Nutrition.)

One of the most common lower body exercises we do is the squat. It's one single move that engages several different muscle groups.

Today I wanted to highlight upper body positioning to ensure you're doing them in the safest way possible for your back!

As you can see in the pictures, there's a fine line between not keeping the chest proud enough and arching the back too much.

Here are a few tips for finding that goldilocks spot:

- Sit down into the squat like you're trying to sit down into a chair a few feet behind you. This will keep your weight on your heels, but also keep you focused on your balance.

- Keep your chest up proud in a way that somebody standing in front of you could read the logo on your shirt.

- Once down in the bottom of your squat, if you feel tightness in the middle of your back, slowly breathe out, relax, and tighten your core. This ensures you're not over arching your back.

- Stand back up tall by pushing the ground away from the floor and squeezing your glutes tight.