The One Steady...

There is one thing I recommend always having a part of your life….no matter how crazy things get.

No, it’s not workouts, although that’s important.

No, it’s not good nutrition, although that’s important too.

It’s no secret 2020 has been the most chaotic year of our lives.

Stress is at an all-time high, uncertainty is everywhere you look, and you just can’t even begin to imagine planning or tackling one more thing.

When things get crazy, stuff starts to drop.

Maybe your workouts aren’t as consistent….

Maybe your nutrition isn’t dialed in….

You start to drop the ball.

But here’s the thing.

That’s okay.

You’re not a bad person for it, we’re all dealing with some challenging stuff right now.

But there’s one thing, no matter how crazy life gets, that you should never drop…

There is one thing that is so vital to you getting through the rough parts…

There is one thing that no matter what happens, a second shut down, another stressor, another curveball…

Never stop this thing.

Any guesses?

One word…


Coaching is the backbone of everything.

I’m confident our gym would not be standing as it stands today without us getting coaching from mentors in the industry.

I get coaching on business, on money, on relationships, on my personal development, everything.

Coaching, coaching, coaching.

A coach is designed to take you from where you are to where you want to go.

A coach is who supports you when times are tough, gives you a high-five (elbow bump) when things are good, and is there for every high, and every low.

Now, obviously, we can look at coaches outside of your fitness…but for today’s sake let’s dial it into fitness.

If you see our coaches as people that count reps, watch a clock, and deliver workouts…we failed you.

If you see them as your support team, they’re there when it’s good, and they’re there when it’s bad, you can count on them…we did our job.

It’s not just delivering workouts…

It’s celebrating wins, it’s checking in when you’re not feeling like doing anything, it’s being there as a shoulder to lean on, or helping you create a plan.

If your workouts aren’t consistent, use our coaches as an accountability partner that you talk to every other week just to check-in, not even about workouts.

if your workouts aren’t consistent because you’re stuck at home use our coaches to help you create a plan…and they’ll make sure you stick with it.

If your workouts are consistent use our coaches to take them to the next level.

Our coaches want you to succeed…whatever that looks like right now.

Simply put, those who have coaches win.

To be honest, I have no clue what this winter is going to bring.

There are some strong hints that we will be having to close our physical doors again for greater public health.

Although we are 100% confident we can keep you safe and healthy in the gym, we will never go against what is best for the greater community.

Although I hope it doens’t come to this, if we do have to close our physical doors this winter, I hope you lean on our coaches for just that…coaching.

Whether it’s at-home workouts, creating a plan, gentle accountability, or just a support person to get you through the holidays.

We will get through this…together.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling