When Faced With A Challenge

When faced with a challenge we have two choices…

Forget Everything And Run, or…

Face Everything And Rise.

Some also might call that FEAR.

You decide your own definition of fear.

Anytime a challenge enters your life, and they always will be coming and going, we have to determine which label we’re going to put on our fear.

I’m not saying we should never have the emotion of fear, but we do determine how we respond to that emotion.

The more common label is to Forget Everything And Run.

Anytime we face a challenge we hide, try to pretend it’s not happening, and avoid the situation.

This is true for any challenge.

Are you struggling with your health?

That’s a fear.

You might have a fear of joining a gym or reaching out for help.

It might be that you think you’re going to not fit in or be able to keep up.

Are you struggling in your career or business?

There can be a big fear behind that.

You’re afraid you’re not doing the right thing, or that you’re not growing as much as you should be.

However, the last thing you want to do in those situations is to Forget Everything And Run.

What about an emotional or mental challenge?

Maybe you’re dealing with some personal development struggles, you are down on yourself, and you’re just going through a really tough time.

Our default is to shut down, forget about it, pretend it’s not happening, and attempt to move on.

Today, I challenge you to flip your script anytime you feel the feeling of fear coming on…

You are going to Face Everything And Rise above it.

Face the challenge, don’t try to hide from it or pretend it’s not happening.

Then, make the choice that you will rise above it.

We are all stronger than we think, and we can overcome anything we set our minds to.

We can rise above any fear.

With that choice of rising above it comes the hard work of action, of mental toughness, and pushing through the hard part.

But we always come out the other side a better person.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling