Maintain Don't Gain...

That’s the mentality I might suggest you consider as we head into the holiday season.

Maintain, Don’t Gain.

I always chuck it up as a win if I can maintain my weight, body fat percentage, energy levels, etc during this final 5-week stretch of the year.

I want you to enjoy the holiday parties, eat that stuffing on Thanksgiving, and have the brownie for dessert.

However, let’s take a couple things into consideration…

It still takes work to maintain.

Meaning, you’re still going to have to eat “good” 80% of the time, you’re still going to have to keep a frequency of exercise up, and you’re still going to have to pay attention to things, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the tasty treats here and there.

The other thing is changing your expectations.

The expectation is that I’m going to maintain.

It’s going to still be a challenge, but the expectation is not going to be a “copy/paste” of my expectations I’ll have in the new year or the expectations I had for myself in September/October.

We know this, ebb and flows are going to happen, which is why we can’t just carry the same expectations throughout the entire year.

I fully expect your workout frequency to be different in January, your nutrition to be different, and your mindset to be different, but…

That doesn’t mean you just throw in the towel for the rest of the year.

We still have ~35 solid days of progress we can make.

Keep going strong.

Shoot for the “maintain, don’t gain” mentality...

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling