What's The Difference?

If you played sports growing up, you'll always remember your favorite coach.

Even if you didn’t, you know the impact that a coach has on someone. 

That's why we have always called our team members COACHES, not trainers.

Trainers are people who got some weekend certification, love to exercise, thought they'd hang out in a gym all day, and count your reps or scream into a headset. 

They deliver workouts. 

And for some people, that's cool. 

I think the biggest difference between a coach and a trainer, putting aside backgrounds, degrees, etc is this.... 

A coach delivers an experience that truly changes your life.  

Sure there is a time and a place to modify technique, pick the right exercises, and count some reps. 

However, what about those discussions when you're having a bad day?

What about that external reach out via a Facebook message or e-mail to see how you're doing?

A coach looks at the total picture, delivers a complete experience, and truly makes a difference in your life. 

A coach is not just concerned about this one workout, but your entire journey, you as an entire person.

We have an incredible team of coaches, not trainers, and we deliver a coaching program. 

I always tell people...

If you're looking to just join a gym, we're probably not the right fit for you. 

You can pay to rent equipment anywhere. 

If you're looking to just do some squats, push-ups, and planks, you can do that anywhere. 

The magic is in the coaching experience. 

That's something that can't be duplicated, and it's the coaching, accountability, and a strong community that goes behind everything we do that makes it such an incredible experience.

In surveys, by far the number one thing that always tops the list…


So why is this important to you?

Well one, I want our readers to be super educated. 

Whether it's here or somewhere else, I want you to know the difference between a gym and a coaching program.

Two, I want to give huge props to my team because they're the best team around and don't like being called trainers :) 

And finally, this is usually the time of year where people seem to get frustrated that they have not made any progress on their New Year goals. 

And I can guarantee you one thing...

If you don't have coaching and accountability behind what you're doing, in some way or another, you will not achieve your goals. 

It may be blunt, it may sting a little, but it's the truth. 

That's true for all of us. 

Even us coaches have coaches. 

Just remember this...

The magic is not in whether you do a kettlebell squat or a bodyweight squat...

The magic is not in whether you do a push-up or a dumbbell press...

The magic is not in whether you follow this diet or that diet...

The magic is the coaching, consistency, community, and culture behind it. 

Let me know if you agree.

If not, that's super cool, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

So, action item?

If there is an area of your life you’re looking to improve ask yourself this question…

“Do I have a coach on my side?”

This goes for not just fitness, but any aspect of life.

If not, go get one.

I promise, if you find the right one, or in our case, a team of them, they’ll change your life.

1% Better. 

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling