
Yesterday on the podcast recording Kim and I were talking about overcoming challenges, you’ll see that episode get released on Thursday.

However, in the midst of the episode, she asked me about my skill of implementation.

When looking at a challenge, or anything to do, according to her, I have an innate skill for just getting it done, implementing it.

As I like to say, a term I believe I got from Seth Godin…


Any who, it got me thinking after the fact…

What makes a good “implementor"?”

Because here’s the simple fact…

In any area of life, it’s never the idea that matters, it’s the execution of the idea.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking working out, tackling a project, taking on a new role within your company, or doing something with your family.

Thomas Edison once said, “Ideas without execution are hallucinations.”

So, how do you execute better…

  1. Have a clear vision: I talk about this a lot, and I will continue to do so until I die. Your vision is a time frame in the future, a picture of what things look like. You can do an entire “life vision” or you could do a vision for a project you’re working on at work. The important part here is you have a clear, documented, picture of what you want things to look like. You have to have a destination before you ask for directions.

  2. Shoot for the moon: I aim to shoot for the moon in anything, because as they say, even if you miss you’ll fall back on the stars. I aim to set BHAGs, Big Hairy Audacious Goals.

  3. Rip it apart: Whether we’re talking a small project, trying something new (liking joining a gym), or anything you’re stuck executing on, I aim to rip it apart. I map out all the steps involved, and I ask myself…”What’s the absolute worse thing that can happen?” Typically, our negative self-talk and fears stop us from executing on a lot of our ides, and this exercise can help a ton. Once you map it out, and get realistic about what’s the worst thing that can happen, you realize it’s not that bad.

  4. Move with urgency: Any day that goes by that an idea is not executed is a life not changed. That’s really my mindset. Why wait until Monday to launch something if it can make an impact today? Why wait to workout until next month when you can start making progress today? Maybe it’s all the traumatic deaths I’ve experienced in my life, I don’t know, but I know I might not be able to make a difference or get better tomorrow, it’s not promised. So, that’s how I execute.

  5. Mini Milestones: No matter how big the task, no matter how big the project, I always aim to set daily milestones. What does progress look like on this today? Reverse engineer it, break it down into manageable chunks, and win the day.

  6. Draft: Everything you see is in draft version. You can always go back and make it better. Today you are going to try your best, and be your best. Tomorrow, hopefully, you’ll have a chance to try again. That goes the same for projects, workouts, or almost anything else in life. I’m just “publishing” the best draft I can, and then I’ll go back and redraft, and redraft.

Hopefully one of those six tips resonated with you, and you can improve what I call your SOI.

Speed of Implementation.

If, of course, that’s an area you want to improve.

That’s up to you.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling