The First Draft Will Be Terrible...

Your first blog post will be awful.

Your first presentation will be awful.

Your first video will be awful.

Your first [fill in the blank] will be awful.

However, you can’t make your 50th without making your first.

I read that yesterday and thought, boom, that has to be Friday’s e-mail.

By far one of the biggest ways you can “win” is to out implement, to outpace, and to just do.

These e-mails…

I know they have grammar issues, I know they’re not perfect, but you know what…

You get one from me every day at noontime.

I don’t let the overthinking, the fear of rejection, any of it, slow me down from shipping the thing.

(By the way, “shipping” is a term for publishing or putting your work out to the world.)

Hopefully, every time I write it gets better, but without writing and sending every single day I would just be one of those spinning wheels on a computer.

Now, of course, we want our stuff to be good, I want these e-mails to be solid, but I’m not going to let perfect be the enemy of procrastination.

The first time you workout is going to be scary and intimidating.

But they don’t become less scary and less intimidating until you actually do the first one, then the second one, followed by just showing up and getting better.

There is certainly merit in making sure what you do, what you “ship” is quality, in any area of life.

However, what I often find is a lot of dreaming, a lot of wanting, but often not backed up with action.

That’s typically backed by a few things (lack of discipline to stick with it), but more often than not it’s fear.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about fitness, in your career, or in your personal life.

Putting ourselves out there is tough, it’s a vulnerable position to be in.

However, please know that what you’re looking for is your “50th draft” and you can’t get to that until you do your first.

As we continue to move forward into 2020 just keep in mind one of your most competitive advantages with yourself is to understand that the first of anything will be terrible, but you don’t get to the 50th without doing the first.

Also, you can really “win”, you can really have a leg up, by just out doing, outpacing, and out implementing.

You just have to have pig-headed discipline and squash that fear.

I know, easy, right?

Reply and let me know if we can help…

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling