Do You Really?

One of our underlying biggest goals with every client when they first start at Spurling Fitness is to get them to truly fall in love with the process.

It takes time, but it’s so important.


If you love the process, you’re pretty much guaranteed results.

We live very much in an instant gratification world.

Heck, this morning I was getting mad because instead of taking 0.2 seconds for this computer page to load, it was taking 1.2 seconds.

All jokes aside, we often are looking for the end result before we even start.

In fitness, we want to lose weight as quickly as possible, and we think we’ll be happy once we’re there.

In finances, we want to have a billion dollars overnight…

We want to be at the top of our career….

We want, want, want…

But what about the love of the process?

What about the love of the pursuit of it all, the challenges, the struggles, the setbacks, the emotions.

You have to love that.

Let’s look at a couple of examples…

Part of the reason why I love what I do so much is there is always something to do, always a challenge to overcome in the business, always a team member to mentor or a client to help.

That will never end.

Sure, we have goals we’re trying to pursue, but the fact of the matter is, all of the happiness, all of the satisfaction is in the daily pursuit.

That’s why I’ll never just say “ok, we’re good.”

It’s not that I’m not happy with everything, in fact, quite the opposite, I just enjoy the daily pursuit of making things and people better.

In fitness, the results can be frustrating.

However, you have to love the process.

You have to enjoy the workouts, enjoy the ups and downs, enjoy the struggles.

That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with people that can support you through it, and a place that can support you through it.

But it’s the same as my business example….

It never ends.

It’s just waking up each day and saying “how can I get a little better in my fitness today?”

Some days it doesn’t happen, and that’s totally okay.

Some days the best thing you can do is rest, and that’s great too.”

And some days there’s work to be done, even if you don’t want to.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about building a business, getting better at fitness, having a better relationship, or growing in your career…

You have to truly fall in love with the process.

One of my favorite sayings is…

“Everyone wants to eat but no one wants to cook.”

Meaning, everyone wants the end results, but no one is willing to put in the work.

Now, “no one” is a bit of an absolute, but you get the point.

Quite often if you look at someone that is “successful” in an area of life, they spend more time “cooking” in that area, 10x more than what you think.

I think of someone like Coach Chris.

He has one of the strongest relationships with his wife, Sarah, I’ve ever seen.

From the outside, you might look at it and be jealous.

But when you peel back the onion, they work at it.

He spends a great deal of quality time with her, they share hobbies, they share faith together, and they love the process of strengthening their marriage.

I know I can’t get mad or compare why my relationship is not like that if the time they spend together is 10:1 to what Megan and I spend together.

Just like in business or your career.

You look and admire someone that is excelling, but you don’t see the hours and hours they pour into it, the hours when you’re home with your family, they’re still working.

They’re “cooking” to use the analogy above.

We can’t be jealous if we’re honest with ourselves and admit we don’t nearly put as much time into it as they do.

And the same goes for fitness.

The people that get the best results for fitness love the process, they show up when they don’t want to, they put in the work, and they don’t stop.

They take breaks throughout the week to rest and recharge, and there’s months where the frequency might be low, but it’s a part of their month, every month.

As we continue to chug along in 2020, reflect back on some of the goals you get, fitness or otherwise, and evaluate the process.

Learn to love the process, devote time to process, and don’t compare to others.

When that happens your results will skyrocket.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling