How to Start On Your Fitness Journey 

The first sentence in a blog post is always the hardest to write, and the first step in your fitness journey can feel like stepping off a ledge into the unknown.  

Where do you start? 

Do you start with your nutrition? Not a bad place to start. 

Do you start by getting a gym membership? Maybe.

Do you tip-toe in, like your acclimating to lake water, or do you dive in? Both approaches can work.

Start With Action 

Start with what you can take action on. Think, what can I do in the next moment to get closer to my fitness goals. Your action step does not need to be a giant heroic leap, like cutting all carbs and sugar out of your life till the next solar eclipse* 

Think smaller action steps, less stepping off a boat on to a dock, and more stepping over a crack in the sidewalk. 

Example: Getting outside for a 5-10 minute walk three times a week. 

Start with Doing Before Don't-ing  

What do I mean by this, and is, don't-ing even a word? My answer is: I'll explain, and I don't know. 


  • Getting out for a walk

  • Eating vegetables 

  • Sleeping more 


  • Don't eat seconds 

  • Don't eat carbs 

  • Don't scroll social media before bed 

As humans, we are loss averse. Meaning we like to protect what we already have. On the flip side, we enjoy receiving and gaining things more the having those things taken away. When starting your fitness journey, keep this in mind. 

It is easier to add something than to take something away. That is why most people's fitness journeys start with exercise and end with nutrition.

Example: It is easier to say yes to going out for a quick walk three times a week than saying no to a glass of wine three times a week. 

Putting It Together 

Ask yourself: What is the smallest, most simple step I can permit myself to do in the next 24 hours? 

That is where you start your fitness journey. 

Coach Josh

*April 8, 2024, or at least that is what a quick google search said.