Double Whammy

It’s a big week in the Spurling household.

Today is Megan’s 31st birthday and Thursday is our 4th wedding anniversary.

We’ve been together for nine years, we actually started dating the year I started the gym in 2012.

We knew each other long before that…

We both went to college at University of New England (UNE), just up the street in Biddeford.

She actually dated my roommate in college, so I would see her over our house, but we were never really super close.

She tells me she was actually afraid of me in college :)

After I graduated and started the gym I was renting a house in Kennebunk, it had a second bedroom so I decided to throw it up on Craigslist to see if I could get someone to help out with rent.

She happened to see it on social media, she was wrapping up her final semester at UNE, and it was the perfect short-term housing solution.

Well, as they say the rest is history.

She moved in, and within a month or two we went from roommates to dating.

She’s been through it all with me.

She remembers the years I spent waking up at 4am, getting to the gym for 5am, and not walking in the house until 9 or 10 at night.

It was years of that, yet, she stuck around.

I’m super grateful for that, and I think it was “easier” back then.

We didn’t have kids, we were renting a pretty simple house, and she was in her Masters program on her way to becoming a Physician Assistant so she was in school or studying all the time.

As time went on I was able to create a bit more of a “normal” schedule, and that fell just in time for her getting pregnant.

In 2017 our son Kaden was born and that changed everything, like those that have kids know, it truly changed everything.

Even throughout the chaos of having a newborn at home and working, she would still support all my crazy endeavors.

Back then, I was traveling a lot more for industry stuff, and she didn’t bat an eye when I told her I had to fly to Kentucky for three days.

Now, with Ellie here as well, 10 months old, and navigating her medical stuff I’ve written about in the past, she still shows up everyday and keeps the Spurling train running.

She has helped lay the turf at the gym, she’s assembled lobby furniture or equipment on Sunday nights, she’s run errands to pick things up when I can’t get there, she’s edited 1001 blog/social media posts, she’s made 700 loafs of coffee cake for the team, and most importantly, she’s been my sound barrier, therapist, and partner in crime throughout all our crazy adventures.

When people ask how many team members we have at Spurling I say 10.

When you add up the coaches, the client experience team, and myself you get to nine.

But without Megan, the 10th team member, I’m confident Spurling wouldn’t be half of what it is today, and she never gets enough credit for what she does.

So why do I say all of this?

Well one, she never gets the spotlight on her, and she deserves it.

But two, who is on your team helping you support your dreams?

I don’t just mean in your personal relationship, but in all of your endeavors.

Do you have a workout partner who holds you accountable?

Do you have a coach that supports you, encourages you, empowers you, and shows up for you each and every time?

Do you have a mentor or support network challenging you to grow and go after your passion?

Life is a team sport.

Who’s on your team?

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling