Control The Controllable

For similar reasons, and yet, for different reasons, 2020 has been a pretty stressful for you, right?

Thanks, captain obvious.

There is so much in life we can’t control, especially right now.

However, we can control how we react to it, our attitude towards it, and how we deal with it.

Control the controllable.

Personally, it’s been a long year, in fact a really challenging 18-24 months.

Two years ago I lost my dad to what we think was a heart attack, we found him passed away in his house, so we’ll never truly know.

Megan and I had some challenges with some pregnancies, and then when Ellie was born ten months ago it was the kick start to a long road of medical things we’re navigating with her.

Just when that started getting under some type of “normal” the world decided to have a pandemic, drastically impacting our business and all of our clients.

It’s been a long road.

I’m sure you have your own version of a “long road” over the last year.

We can’t control every situation and its outcome, but we can control our attitude and how we react to it.

The fact is, that is 1% Better.

Doing what you can with what you have, and trying to focus on what you can control.

Crazy days, a busy life, stress, anxiety, you name it.

No one has it all figured out, and if they tell you that, give them a smack because they’re lying.

I think I just aim to focus on what I can control.

I can control thinking positive…

I can control my actions…

I can control what I’m going to do about it TODAY.

And certainly, the last thing I’m going to do about it is nothing.

Whether we’re talking about personal stuff, work stuff, or fitness and lifestyle stuff, we often can’t control the outcome.

What we can do is control the process.

We can take charge of our mental health, we can think more positive…

We can take charge of our schedule and block off some time for self-care, even if it’s 15 minutes.

Trust me, as most of you know, I’m all for having big dreams, and long-term goals, but let’s face it…

Most of life is just showing up this week and saying, “What can I give?”

What can I give for effort?

What can I give to others?

Most importantly, what can I give to myself?

Each week will look different, each day will look different but aim not to worry about that.

We can’t control the future, we can only control our current actions, what we’re thinking, and what we’re doing about it.

Control the controllable.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling