Control The Controllable

I write this at my usual early AM time, a bit more sleep deprived than normal, but still very reflective, and a hot cup of coffee in hand…

We’ll see what comes out.

This morning I’m reminded of a line I tell myself just about every day….

Control the controllable.

There is so much in life we can’t control.

However, we can control how we react to it, our attitude towards it, and how we deal with it.

It’s been a long week for us, like a lot of you.

I’ve had many tears, many frustrations, and many hard conversations with our team.

It’s amazing how things can change so quickly.

However, I still choose to lead.

To lead by example, to lead our team, to lead our clients, and to lead the community.

As Mr. Rogers says, when you see scary things in the news, look for the helpers.

You’ll always find people who are helping.

So, I choose to help, to lead.

But, I remind myself, and I remind you…

We can’t control every situation and its outcome, but we can control our attitude and how we react to it.

That is 1% Better.

The fact is, I’m dealing with the same crap you are.

Crazy days, a busy life, stress, anxiety, you name it.

No one has it all figured out, and if they tell you that, give them a smack because they’re lying.

I think I just aim to focus on what I can control.

I can control thinking positive…

I can control my actions…

I can control what I’m going to do about it TODAY.

And certainly, the last thing I’m going to do about it is nothing.

Whether we’re talking about current events, personal stuff, work stuff, or fitness and lifestyle stuff, we often can’t control the outcome.

What we can do is control the process.

We can take charge of our mental health, we can think more positive…

We can take charge of our schedule and block off some time for self-care…

Trust me, as most of you know, I’m all for having big dreams, and long-term goals, but let’s face it…

Most of life is just showing up this week and saying, “What can I give?”

What can I give for effort?

What can I give to others?

Most importantly, what can I give to myself?

Each week will look different, each day will look different but aim not to worry about that.

We can’t control the future, we can only control our current actions, what we’re thinking, and what we’re doing about it.

For me, that’s the recipe for stress reduction.

Control the controllable.

Ok, time for me to head downstairs and refill the coffee cup and get ready for our live workouts today :)

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling