Coaching Is Not Geography Based

I often don’t talk about him, but my mentor, Pat, has done what any good mentor should do, which is change my life.

Yesterday I shared a story about my parents, and if I’m being honest, Pat has been a father figure to me.

He not only has shaped my professional life but more importantly, he helps shape my personal life.

He has an incredible knack for making sure we continue to make an impact with our businesses but also assures our personal life is improving as well.

I typically in some way or another talk with Pat once a week.

But here’s the thing…

We haven’t been in an office or conference room together in over a year…

And even before COVID, we maybe saw each other 2-3 times a year.

Yet, he has changed my life.

How is that possible?

Because any good coaching is not geography-based.

My success and his impact on me does not change based on us being in the same room together.

It’s ultimately about connection, good conversation, and good coaching.

We stay connected through zoom, phone calls, texts, e-mails, etc.

We coach gym owners around the world, and it all happens via a platform like Zoom, a Facebook group, and some e-mails.

My point?

The skill of coaching is not geography-based, the outcome of good coaching should not change because they are not right in front of you.

Sure, there are camaraderie and social benefits of being physically together, but the actual result, the actual experience you receive shouldn’t change.

So, today I’m speaking to those who choose not to get in-person coaching right now, whether we’re talking fitness coaching or other forms…

Know that a good coach does not let geography, you two being in the same physical space together, dictate the results.

A coach’s job is to get you from point A (where you are) to point B (where you want to go).

If they need to do that through Zoom check-ins, personal reach-outs, and an electronic program right now, so be it.

Don’t let geography be the reason you don’t get coaching.

If you can’t make it into the gym right now lean on our coaches.

Every month we do 150-200 Strategy Sessions, these are 1:1 zooms/calls with a client helping them set realistic goals for the month, creating an action plan, and assuring they still are moving closer to where they want to go.

Pair that with an electronic program to follow on our app and you have a strong option to get coaching.

Does it replace the accountability of showing up to the gym or the energy of being around others?

Of course not.

But don’t let geography be the reason you don’t get coaching this winter.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling