A Hero...

I remember I was sitting in 7th-grade history class, the phone rang in the classroom, and my teacher started crying.

She had family in the New York City area and obviously didn't know if they were okay or not.

After school, I still remember being glued to the television, watching the devastation with my parents.

It was a day none of us will ever forget.

I know some friends and clients who lost family members that day, and I can't even imagine the pain they've been through.

There's a lot of bad going on in the world, and I hate to say it, I think there always will be.

Whether it's terror attacks, the damage the pandemic has done, or the racism and political issues, it's easy, and always will be easy, to find the bad in this world, bad people, bad things.

We can beat ourselves up, get into a negative mindset about it, or we can focus on the positive, surround ourselves with positive people, take action, and change the world.

We can focus on the military and first responders who put their lives at stake every day trying to help others.

We can focus on the teachers, the healthcare workers, or the woman who helped her neighbor carry in the groceries.

I truly believe most of us in this world are good people.

I try to spend my time not complaining about the bad, but instead, do something every day to leave the world a little bit better off.

At our core, I think that's what motivates us.

Whether it's our job, being a parent, or donating a few bucks to charity, we're motivated by helping people, making an impact, leaving a legacy, and being a hero to someone else.

There were a lot of heroes on 9/11/2001, some that were remembered and spoken about, and I’m sure plenty that did things without anyone noticing.

There are heroes everywhere we look, I realize we all have our definition of what a hero is, but I also believe we can all be someone else’s hero.

We can all do good work, lift someone up, be there when they need it, change lives, make a positive impact on people, and leave the world a better place than we found it.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling