The One Thing You Need in Every Aspect of Your Life

If you look at every aspect of life, there is one key to success that is accurate for all areas across the board.


We are in a day where you don't need any more information.

You don't need articles. You don't need information.

I can almost promise you within an arm reach is this rectangular thing that you live with that has changed our world. Heck, you're probably using it to read this.

All the information in the world is available to you in about three seconds just by pressing some buttons on your phone.


Information means nothing without action.

In order to be sure you take action, what do you need?


Let's look at a couple examples:

1. Fitness: Everyone knows exercise is good for you. Why does everyone not do it? There's nothing holding them accountable.

2. Nutrition: Everyone knows that broccoli is healthier than ice cream. Why do you sometimes go for the ice cream? You're not being held accountable for the consequences.

3. Finances: It's pretty basic. Save more than you spend. Live below your means. What causes those dumb decisions to buy something when you really shouldn't be, or not stashing away more money in your retirement? You guessed it. Accountability.

4. Relationships/Family: A good relationship is give and take. If you have a good relationship the other person most likely holds you accountable without you even realizing it. Why do you make good choices? You make good choices because you don't want to let them down. Do your kids really know right from wrong? Sure, most of the time. But they need you to hold them accountable.

5. Leadership/Management: Why do people need leaders in their life? It's not because that person necessarily knows more than you, it's because they have a job to not only lead you but also hold you accountable along the way. Our weekly staff meetings are really just accountability check-ins with each other to make sure we're delivering the best, and someone's there to lift you up if needed.

6. Business: The best businesses in the world have mentors that they report to on a regular basis. They're giving them outsider fresh perspectives, but more importantly, they're helping them set goals and holding them accountable to those goals.

I'm a firm believer that people spend far too much time in life looking for more education, looking for more time, and looking for the perfect moment.

Instead, what they need is accountability and coaching.

Every aspect of your life needs accountability and coaching.

Let me know what we can do to hold you more accountable.