The school year for most is coming to a close.
For some, that means beach days, family vacations, and more time with the kiddos.
Regardless of if you have kids or not, it means one thing...
Summer is here!
Up here in Maine our summer is a snap of a finger so I'm all about getting outside,enjoying the warm weather, and soaking up that sun.
Here's what also happens...
Skipped Workouts.
You know the trend.
Here's my piece of advice...
Move the needle.
Keep the needle moving.
Keep the snowball rolling.
However you want to think about it, you have to keep the momentum going.
Fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle changes are all about one word; habits.
Lets face it, for the most part you know what to do.
Exercise. Eat Healthy. Be Happy.
But why don't you do it?
You see, it's not about the home runs.
It's about hitting a bunch of singles.
Stack the small wins.
During the summer it can be easy to revert back to your old ways.
Drinks out with friends.
Mounds of pasta salad in the backyard.
Keep the needle moving.
Do something everyday to keep progressing forward.
It doesn't have to be big.
A healthier meal choice.
A 20 minute workout at home.
A trip to your favorite gym ;)
But the needle has to move.
Do one thing to keep the momentum going forward.
I don't have to tell you how hard it is to get back on track.
One thing leads to another, you get mentally beat up, and it's not easy to get back on track with healthier habits.
My challenge to you as summer nears is to keep that needle moving forward.
Let me know how we can help
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling