I just wrapped up a lazy rainy weekend and I'm feeling recharged and ready to go.
And you know what, sometimes that's ok.
Progress in one's life doesn't always have to come from the number on a scale, a pant size, or the time on a race timer.
For me, this weekend came in the form of personal progress.
You see, if you can't tell, I'm a workaholic.
I love what I do so much that I literally get stressed out when I'm not working.
Yeah, I know, weird.
It's not uncommon for me to put in 80, 90, 100+ hour work weeks.
Not because I have to, but because I want to.
I love it!
Well, when you have a family and a fiancee' that also wants your attention, that doesn't often mesh too well.
So for me, progress came this last week in my personal life.
Sure I worked out three times and ate decently, but this progress was more important.
For two days I didn't touch my phone. I wasn't on my computer, I wasn't tweaking this, or tinkering with that.
I gave 100% of my attention to my fiancee'. We enjoyed breakfast out with her parents, watched some movies on the couch, and just hung out.
So, why am I telling you this?
All too often we get caught up in this game of perfection and progress.
We always have to be perfect, and always be progressing.
Trust me when I tell you, it's ok if you miss a workout or two.
It's ok if you overindulge one night.
Progress can come in many forms.
Don't get discouraged, look for the positive in things, and you may find that you're making progress in other areas of life.
Now, let's not lose sight of things. Overall, in the big picture, we have to stay consistent with our fitness and nutrition to see physical results, but there are going to be some weeks where that may not be where the win lies.
You may have enjoyed some much needed time off.
You may have worked on the project that needed to get done around the house.
You may have caught up with old friends and strengthened the relationship.
Look for the small wins, they are always there.
Sure I'm all for seeing progress on the scale and in how I look (heck, you read my last post about wanting to lose 15lbs before the big wedding day).
However, somedays, sometimes in life, we just need to focus on other areas, and realize that that's still progress.
The journey is so much more than a number on the scale.
Let me know if you feel the same way.
Dedicated To Your Success,
Doug Spurling
PS ~ If you want to read more about this topic Coach Kim did an excellent post about 5 strategies for gauging progress beyond the scale over on her personal blog. You can read it here: Beyond the Scale
PPS ~ Coach Kim and Coach Trent are pairing up for a killer free seminar on fat loss for women next week. Trent is talking nutrition for fat loss, and Kim is focusing her part on stress management, empowering women, and staying confident throughout the journey. You don't want to miss this seminar. Did I mention it's free? Join us on Tuesday, July 19th, @ 7:00pm, right here at Spurling. You can RSVP here: Fat Loss For Women