Your Best Two Questions...

Can you believe it's already September 1st?

It's feeling like fall too.

As I write this it's a crisp 49 degrees outside.

I love this time of year and all that it encompasses.

As we approach a new month, and the time of year when most people feel like they can finally get back on track, it's important to ask yourself two questions.


If you want good answers you have to ask good questions. 

The first question...

If we were sitting down and having a conversation 1 year from today, and you were looking back over that year, what has to have happened physically/mentally/emotionally for you to feel happy with your progress?

You could also change the duration to be four months so you're thinking about what the end of 2017 looks like. 

The important thing with the above question is you think about what success looks like. 

Too many of us are working towards improving things (physically, emotionally, etc) but we don't ever step back and look at what success actually looks like. 

Ask yourself the above question, write it down, and tack it somewhere where you'll see it every day. 

Two things are going to happen...

You now have a clear picture of what success looks like so you'll be more focused on what you need to do to accomplish it.


As humans, we are terrible at gratitude to ourselves.

It's never good enough and we could always do more, right?

Well, if today you write down what success looks at the end of this year, I can all but guarantee when the end of the year comes around, if you didn't write it down you may have accomplished all that you were going after, but you'll see it as it's not good enough because you'll want more and not realize how much you actually accomplished. 

The second question...

What do YOU need to change to make that happen?

This ties to yesterdays post. 

This where the results are made. 



However you want to think about it, it's going to take you changing something. 


Get super clear on what success looks like and then figure out what you need to change to make that happen. 

It sounds simple, but only a few take the time to map this out. 

I'll be back after the long weekend to keep the spark going. 

I hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend. 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurlin

PS: I want to add a third question to two above. How can I help you make those changes? I'd love to know and be honored to help. Just reply and let me know. 

PPS: The orientation for our 6-Week Transformation Challenge is this coming Thursday so we're closing down registration soon. Get yourself registered here ==>> 6-Week Transformation Challenge