What's Your Minimum?

As we continue on with current events it’s going to be tough to workout, it’s going to be tough to make nutrition choices.

Let me be very clear before I get into today's lesson...

That's totally okay! 

Potentially you have the ability to spend more time with your kids, and work on that house project you’ve been wanting to do.

Just like one workout won't make a difference, one or two poor choices won't make a difference. 

What's your minimum?

When we set goals for anything (fitness, finances, family, etc) I like to set three goals for the topic. 

The stretch goal. 

This is the goal that is shooting for the stars. 

Everything would have to aline, you'd have to work your tail off, and your dreams would have to come true for this to happen. 

Then there's the actual goal. 

Finally, there's the floor goal. 

The minimum goal. 

You will do everything possible to hit this no matter what it takes. 

Let's roll with an example both fitness and non-fitness. 

Let's say your goal is to get eight glasses of water a day. 

That's your actual goal. 

Your stretch goal may be twelve glasses. 

Then your minimum, your floor, may be six glasses. 

So, the goal is 8, but you're not going to bed until you get six glasses of water in at minimum. 

I don't care if you have to sit on the edge of your bed to drink three glasses because you only drank three throughout the day. 

You do what it takes to hit the minimum, the floor goal. 

A non-fitness example could be with your finances. 

Let's say you want to contribute $10,000 to your savings or retirement. 

A stretch goal may be $20,000, and the floor goal, the minimum, may be $5,000. 

As the deadline gets closer, if you're not on track to hit at least the $5,000 you may need to walk to work, eat ramen noodles, and cancel your cable, but you'll do whatever it takes to hit the floor goal, the minimum. 

In goal setting, and especially right now, the floor goal is actually what drives you. 

What's your minimum? 

So maybe it's the six glasses of water. 

Maybe it's three servings of vegetables. 

Maybe it's two workouts in the week. 

Focus on at least getting the minimums, do whatever it takes.

And as a parting note, now more than ever is why having a coach on your side is so important.

Someone to not only help you map out a realistic routine and hold you accountable to it, but be there to support you through the emotional rollercoaster that we’re all on.

It’s moments like right now where coaches shine at their best.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling