Yesterday I wrote a post about happiness, and how life will always have problems.
Happiness is just trading bad problems in for better problems and finding problems you enjoy solving.
So we know problems are inevitable, but how we measure them is what's controllable.
To build off of yesterday's post, the secret to happiness is finding problems that you enjoy solving.
I solve problems every day in this business, but I love the problems I'm solving, so it's not a negative thing.
You see, we can't control having problems in life, but we can control what metric we use to measure those problems.
Right now Coach Kim is hosting a "Bail the Scale" challenge where she's challenging a group to stay off the scale for 30 days.
Losing weight may be a problem you're trying to solve, but what's to say that a number on a scale has to be the metric.
Sure, we want to see that number go down, but success is not determined by where the red needle falls on the dial.
There are so many other metrics to measure success when it comes to solving the problem of better fitness.
How are your clothes fitting?
How much energy do you have?
Are you a better spouse, parent, etc?
Are you getting more sleep?
Do you feel more confident?
Do you feel stronger?
Only you, based on personal values can determine what your metric for success is.
Just like some people have more money and more materialistic things as their metric of success, while others have a strong family relationship and work/life balance as their metric.
Ultimately we know, whether we're 24 or 84, we're going to have problems, fitness, and others, that's inevitable...
What's controllable are aiming to improve things so you trade bad problems for better problems, and determining your metric for success in that problem.
For years, we've drilled that a number on a square piece of plastic is the metric for success in fitness, but why can't we set our own metric?
Only you can determine how happiness is defined, what success is, and the metric you choose to measure it with.
1% Better.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling