Three Things...

I flipped through the pages, realizing how much of it has already happened, yet how much is still left to accomplish.

I love visioning.

It’s almost (ok, it is) a hobby of mine.

I like to think of it as organized dreaming.

Now, needless to say, your goals are probably off track this year, but how about your vision?

For me, I found it quite refreshing the other day to realize that although the time frame may have shifted, the vision is still there.

I firmly believe if you want to be consistent and motivated in any effort in life you have to have a clear vision that you're working towards. 

It can be tweaked, adjusted, and grow with you, but you have to have a north star. 

What's your why?

Why do you do what you do?

Once you know that, each day is just like building a sculpture. 

We're just slowly chipping away at this thing to make it a little better each day. 

This is true for what you want in life, what you want in your career, and what you want in fitness. 

You see, a goal of tightening and toning your butt and arms will only take you so far. 

It's a great goal to start, but it's not your vision, it's not your north star. 

Toning is not WHY you workout. 

Your vision and your why should tug at the strings of your heart. 

As you ask yourself "well, why is that important to me?" you begin to go a layer deeper and you realize that maybe the deeper reason to why you told me your goal is toning is actually a goal of being happier around your family, being a good role model for your kids, and being a better spouse. 

I don't know. 

We each have our own vision and our own pursuit of a vision.

It's up to you to learn what that is and use that as motivation to kick ass every day. 

However, I do know one thing…

If you want to live an amazing and fulfilling life you must live for something bigger than yourself. 

We are driven by only three things:

Autonomy: a desire to direct our own lives

Mastery: a desire to get better at something bigger than ourselves

Purpose: being a part of something bigger than ourselves

I challenge you to fill your life wherever you can with these three things.

Even something as minor as fitness, we try to find the balance of telling clients what to do so they don’t have to think. and letting them make select choices.

For mastery, it might be learning a new skill, a new movement, or a new hobby.

And for purpose, it’s being a part of something bigger than yourself.

This could be your family, your work family, your church family, your fitness family.

It’s making sure you’re doing something for the greater good, not just you (which is important to).

Those three things combined are why you do what you do, your vision, your north star, will get you through any rough patch, any hard times. . 

As we come up on the halfway point of 2020 with hopes of having a better second half, this lesson might be one you want to spend some time on.

1% Better. 

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling