This might be the most common trait needed to long-term success.
In fitness, and in life in general, we know we default to looking for the quick fix.
We also know that it can be very easy to get caught up in the weeds…
Should I eat organic or not?
How many servings of vegetables should I have?
Which exercises are best for me?
Should I do strength training, circuit training, or yoga?
I’ve talked in past writings about the two key drivers to success in health…
Frequency & Nutrition.
That may seem obvious, but you do have to show up in order to get results :)
It’s been interesting with our pivot to serving all of our clients online during these crazy times, we have actually saw more workouts done in the month of April than any other month.
People are getting a higher frequency of workouts because of the 7-day per week access to our coaching and accountability, without the hindrance of a commute or all the challenges of getting to the facility.
We also know that you can’t outwork a bad diet.
I wish you could, trust me, but we can’t.
I’m a perfect example of that right now, I can’t expect results until I clean up my nutrition.
But, I was thinking, it goes further than that.
I think the most common behavior for long-term success is…
The ability to stick with it, stick with it when things get tough, and stick with it in the long-term.
Seriously, the amount of people that stop something because one thing goes awry is mind boggling.
This is true not just in fitness, but in life in general.
We often quit something too soon.
The moment we’re ready to quit is usually the moment right before something great is going to happen.
The ability to stick with it, when things are tough, when you don’t feel like it, might be the biggest key to success.
And trust me, I know know than ever you probably have that feeling of just throwing in the towel or maybe even “I’ll just get outside this summer.”
And although that’s an important component (we all love some Vitamin D), it’s really hard to stay motivated and accountable by yourself.
Do you have any injury?
You typically have three other limbs and a core we can work around.
Are you feeling tired, stressed, and no energy?
Working out is the greatest tool for that.
Health and fitness is not something that ever ends, and it’s more important than ever before.
Without taking sides, we do know that the majority of people that were severely impacted by COVID-19 had underlying conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.
That might be scary to hear, but hopefully that excites you.
You can get on the preventative side.
There is always something to get better at, there is always something to celebrate, there is always a win to be had.
The ability to stick with it, when you’re busy, when you don’t feel like it, when you have 10,000 other things going on in life, that might be the biggest key to long-term success.
We created a “Visits Club” for the gym.
350 lifetime visits, 750 visits, 1250 visits, etc.
There is one person in the 1250 visits club (yay, Lynette).
Getting your name under the 1250 visits club is a great goal for everyone.
After that?
2500, 5000, …10,000?
My point is, sticking with it might be the biggest key to success.
We’re focused on fitness here, but apply to this to any area of your life.
1% Better.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling