The Runners Dilemma

It's a beautiful Friday morning and I'm getting ready to go help Chris do the final prep for our first annualSpurling Charity 5k taking place Saturday!

Side note: If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for? 100% of registrations are going to AWS and it's a flat course perfect for walkers, runners, dogs, and more! Click here to register you and your family :)

Any who...with today feeling like a "running" theme I thought it would be great to share an article from Coach Josh called The Runners Dilemma

It's a loaded article so I'm going to post the link to it below. 

But I promise it's a doozy. 

If you're interested in getting into running, are currently running, or just want to see how smart Coach Josh is, take the time to read this blog. 

Click here to read all about running -----> The Runners Dilemma

I'm off to go stuff some goodie bags and hang some banners. 

Again, if you haven't registered for this Saturday's race click here to do so. 

We hope to see you Saturday at 9:00am for our first annual Spurling Charity 5k to benefit AWS. 

Cheers to a good weekend,

Doug Spurling

PS: I'll be back Monday with a piece you won't want to miss that really hits home. 

PPS: Spots are filling quickly for our Strong(her) in Six Weeks Transformation Challenge that starts in September. This is open to both clients and those new to STS. Click the link below to reserve your spot and save up to $100 with the early bird rate. 

New to STS? Click here -----> Strong(her) in Six Weeks Transformation Challenge

Current STS Client? Click here -----> Strong(her) in Six Weeks Transformation Challenge