The Other 165

I sat there, frustrated.

I was working out pretty consistently, about three days a week.

However, the scale was trending in the wrong direction, I lacked energy, and I was stressed as all get out.

Like many of you, the last 3-4 months have been quite stressful.

However, it got me thinking this morning about the importance of what we call “The Other 165.”

In fact, our client-only support group on Facebook is called Spurling 165.

There are 168 hours in a week, for most of us, depending on goal/life, we probably try to average three workouts per week.

Some weeks maybe more, some weeks may be zero, but if you look at a year, the average person attempts to try to get around three workouts per week or three hours.

So, what about the other 165 hours in the week.

Now, I’m not saying that the approximately three are not important, trust me, that’s the base of our business and it’s a key pillar to your overall success in health and wellness, so please don’t take this as me trying to downplay exercise.

In fact, the three hours of exercise a week is probably a massive catalyst to success in the other 165 hours.

We all know when we exercise we have this natural “domino” effect where we start to eat better, sleep better, have more energy, and just feel better about ourselves.

And that’s really what the other 165 hours are.

It’s obvious (not easy) things like proper sleep and eating healthy.

Those are two major factors in our overall wellness, right?

But what else?

How about things like mindset, personal development, spiritual work, mental and emotional health, job satisfaction, overall happiness, purpose, goal-setting, visioning, etc.

The list could go on.

It’s not meant to overwhelm you, and you certainly can’t be improving all of those things at once.

However, hopefully, it brings some awareness or just a reminder that the other 165 hours in the week matter just as much, if not more than the couple hours a week you workout.

That’s hopefully where we really shine in helping people.

Yes we hope our clients love the workouts, we want to customize them to the individual, we want to track and show progress, we want them to be fun, and we want you to look forward to each and every one…

But, we also want to make sure you’re getting the coaching you need in the other 165 hours too.

Whether that be in getting some help with nutrition, or just sitting and chatting with a coach 1:1 to talk about life and how things are going outside of the gym.

It all matters.

Make sure in your journey to the strong second half of 2020 you’re addressing the other 165 too.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling