The Missing Ingredient In Your Nutrition Success...

This week I've spent a lot of time talking about what you need to change, and the keys to getting results and there's one word that keeps coming up.


It truly is the key to long-term results. 

So, let's talk nutrition accountability. 

Every time we ask someone about how their nutrition is it goes something like this...

"Oh, I eat pretty clean most of the time."

The frustrating thing for most of us is "most of the time" typically means that is the limiting factor in us seeing the results. 

We need to be consistent. 

So, how do you do that?


Good nutrition is no longer about knowing macros vs micros, or high fat and low fat. 

Consumption of education is what we need more of. 

Coaching and accountability are the two key ingredients. 

We know what to eat, but if we have no one holding us accountable we're going to go for the late night bowl of ice cream of that piece of candy in the office. 

Ok, so you're nodding your head and you know that you need help. 

So, where do you begin? 

Here are my top 3 keys to accountability with nutrition. 

1. Journal your food. We say it often, and those that do it see results. There's no arguing that fact. 

2. Eliminate the possibility. Part of staying accountable means not making the choices you would normally make. If you don't have the food in the house to eat you won't eat it. Sounds simple...because it is. 

3. Join an accountability group. This is why we started FLAG, Fat Loss Accountability Group. We have built the perfect pairing of coaching and education with accountability. 

The next FLAG group starts on 7/3, you must register before 6/28 so we can get you onboarded and we only have 9 spots left. 


Here are the benefits:

*Weekly group meetings with our nutrition coach so you can stay accountable, check-in, get your questions answered and create a plan of action for the next week. 

*Daily app accountability so you stay on track. We'll use our coaching app to check in with you daily to make sure you're making the best choices possible. 

*A community of like-minded people. Everyone in the FLAG group is fighting their own battle, but they share similar struggles with nutrition accountability. We'll put you in a members-only Facebook Group with them, lean on them, and build a community that will lift you up and hold you accountable. 

Sound good?

Dont' worry, we have a 100% money back guarantee so if you join the program and don't get the results you expected and we're satisfied, no questions asked, money back. 

Hurry though, we only have 9 spots left and you must register by 6/28. 


1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling 

PS: I'll be back tomorrow to finish the week strong with an awesome piece you won't want to miss.