The Infinite Game...

It’s a helpful mindset to have, especially right now.

Often times we get frustrated with something like lack of progress or we want to hit a goal by a certain date.

Although it is important to have some urgency behind things…

This game we’re all playing is an infinite one.

And that’s the way I try to think about it.

It’s a game, there is no winning and losing, it’s just about playing the game.

We should try really hard to make decisions that allow us to have more joy playing the actual game, make decisions and live in such a way that we leave things better than we found them.

I try to always think…

“Does this decision allow us to play the game better years from now?”

A lot of the business decisions lately are hard decisions we’ve had to make to assure we’re still playing the game in this post-pandemic world, to skate to where the puck is going, and to create stability and security as we head into 2021.

In my personal life, I often find the most motivating goals are ones that leave something for my kids, I guess you could call it “extending the game.”

Until some catastrophic event happens and wipes out the entire earth, humans are not going anywhere anytime soon.

We can at least comfortably say that our kids, their kids, their kids, and their kids will be here, right?

And isn’t that the point of all of this?

To be fulfilled, to be happy, and to play the infinite game.

The never ending game of getting better, living your life’s purpose, and leaving the world a better place than you found it.

Now, to bring all of that down to reality…

We often act like we’re playing a finite game, when in reality, this is an infinite game, a never ending game.

Here’s what I mean…

A football game is a finite game.

There is strategy and performance that goes into the game, and at the end of the time a winner is determined based on the scoreboard.

But life is not like that, yet we make decisions like it is.

Let’s look at the game of fitness, of health, of wellness…

In order to be at your best, to live the healthiest life, to be around for your friends and family as long as possible, I think we would all agree that working on your health and wellness is important, and that it is something that will always, in some capacity, have to be a part of your life.

It’s an infinite game…it never ends.

However, we often make decisions or tell ourselves stories based on it being a finite game.

“Let me lose 20lbs and then I’ll be happy.”

“I’m going to do this 30 day cleanse and then I’ll be good.”

Those are all decisions, strategies, and beliefs for a finite game.

Fitness is not a finite game.

I would argue there are very few things that are a finite game.

Let’s look at parenting…

How you do it, what it looks like, changes as the years go on, but you are constantly looking at becoming a better parent until the day you die.

What about personal development?

We are constantly looking at ways we can become better people, more kind to ourselves, better partners, a better friend, or a better co-worker.

It’s an infinite game.

So, what does this matter?

Well, hopefully two things come from it…


You develop a life purpose that is more motivating than any short term goal ever could be.

You are forever intrinsically motivated to get better, in all aspects of life.


You don’t make decisions that “win” the short-term, the finite game, but then might sacrifice the long-term chances of the infinite game.

Short term decisions, short cuts, quick fixes, in any area of life, are often with that mindset that of “If I just get here…” but that’s not the mindset of the infinite game…

The infinite game is a game that never ends, it’s just about having a true purpose, a deep cause for yourself, and getting better in all aspects of life, forever, everyday….

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling