The Hardest Part

The hardest part is not the squats or the lunges.

The hardest part is not doing a circuit or strength training.

Do you know the hardest part?

If you can master this part, you’re all but guaranteed success.

And to be honest, it’s the gap we fill, the bridge we build, and why most people fail on their own.

They jump from sexy new thing to sexy new thing, and they think that the bike in the basement is going to work wonders, or that new “mirror trainer” is going to do the trick.

And guess what?

They probably would.

For most people, unless you have very specific goals, for general fitness, it doesn’t really matter about what type of exercise you do.

Sure, we could split hairs, we’re bias to certain modalities, but it all works.

If you work.

If you show up.

And that’s the hardest part.

You have to show up.

You have to walk down to the basement and get on the bike or stand in front of that mirror trainer (so weird), an no one cares or knows if you do or don’t show up…just you.

And that’s the difference.

We’ve seen, with close to a decade of running a coaching gym, and seeing historical data in the industry for years, that adherence to all of those activities (anything self-directed: working out at home with no accountability, going to an open access gym with no accountability or coaching, etc) is extremely high in the beginning because it’s new, and then as soon as the shiny object syndrome wears off it crashes down to almost zero.

The long-term success of self-directed exercise is horrible.

Now, if that’s you, and you can crush it, great.

However, the reason why is crashes so hard?

They typically lack filling the gap, it lacks helping you with the hardest part, coaching and accountability.

Once you show up, the workout can be done, whether it is appropriate for you or you are doing it correctly is a whole other conversation, but if you show up you won.

And that’s the hardest part…

Showing up.

There are three things that we lean hard on..

Coaching; both in the workout and outside of it.

Accountability; we are if you show or not, and we’ll help get you back on track when (not if ) you fall off.

Community; whether virtually or not, we know the power of being around like-minded people, and being a part of something bigger than yourself.

It becomes much easier to show up when you know people are counting on you being there (whether it’s a virtual appointment or in person).

It becomes much easier when you know your coach is waiting for you, your community members are excited to see you, and you’ll get a gentle nudge if you don’t show up.

And in a bigger picture, we need to figure out what’s getting in the way if you’re consistently not showing up…and I don’t mean time management/logistics, I mean mentally/emotionally.

Do you see the difference?

One is a product, the other is actual coaching.

I guess my message for you today is…

Make sure you have coaching, accountability, and community in your life…it will help you show up more.

And as you plan out what you’re doing for your health and fitness as we wrap up 2020 and head into a “fresh start” in 2021, make sure that you have coaching and accountability a part of your life to help you with the hardest part…

Showing up.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling