The Climb

It’s hiking season here in Maine.

Every time I login to social media I’m seeing pictures of clients and friends on a hike.

It’s awesome to see, and the analogy of my message today.

When you go for the hike, do you do it for the view at the top, or do you do it because it’s something fun to do, potentially with friends, or potentially to give yourself some “me” time?

If you’re like most people I talk to, of course you enjoy the view at the top, the destination, but it’s more about the day in nature.

It’s more about the climb.

I can’t think of a better example for fitness, and really life in general.

So many of us have a goal in mind, whether it’s fitness related, career related, or what have you, and all we focus on is getting to the top.

But isn’t it really all about the climb?

Imagine if you went out for a hike, took two steps, and you reached the top.

Sure it would be a nice view, but there would be no personal satisfaction, no reward, no fulfillment.

It’s about the journey.

It’s the peace and quiet of nature.

It’s being surrounded by friends that are supporting you along the way.

It’s about choosing the right path, overcoming obstacles, and stopping to smell the roses (or pine trees) every once in awhile.

“Don’t be so busy looking forward to the extraordinary moments that you miss the ordinary moments.”

If all you’re focused on is reaching the top, the top of anything, you’re going to be extremely dissatisfied when you reach it if you didn’t take time to really enjoy the climb.

So, I guess my take home points…

There are way more analogies about hiking and fitness/life than I thought, which makes me love it even more.

We need to fall in love with the process, we need to fall in love with the climb, not the top, not the destination.

And finally, there is no final “top of the mountain.”

As soon as you reach one, you’re going to want to do another, and another, and another.

It never ends.

Which is the joy in all of this.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling