After a few conversations with clients this week it got me thinking about a concept I’d like you to think about as it applies to all facets of your life.

I constantly study SOI.

Speed of Implementation. 

There’s always a lot of discussions, a lot of thought…

“I should do that….”

“I think I’ll try this…”

“I have this idea….”

But what often happens is those thoughts, those ideas, those desires never turn into action, they never get implemented.

Speed of Implementation is looking at how fast you can take a desire, an idea, a thought, and take action on it, implement it.

Now, of course, there is the balance of making sure it’s not rushed, making sure it’s the right decision, and making sure it’s quality, but often too much of that really halts your SOI.

I can safely assume that the majority of my thoughts are not any more profound than others, I just try to implement them faster.

Because otherwise you pick your head up and a week goes by, a month goes by, and next thing you know another year has passed and you’re still percolating on that idea.

Let’s look at a fitness example…

We have Person A and Person B.

Let’s say that those two people set a goal to lose 20 pounds of weight.

Person A does the research to see all the ways she can lose weight: She googles different diets, workout programs, does supplement research and then figures out when it's going to work best with her schedule to start her new diet program.

Person B is all about Speed of Implementation and decides that "enough is enough" and that she's going to take imperfect action starting today and makes the time to walk for 30 minutes a day and cuts out a couple of sweets, and adds some protein to her diet.

Within 14 days Person B has lost 5 pounds and is excited and has a new sense of commitment to reaching her goal. She soon does the research and figures out which supplements to take, how to eat better, and discovers that she should probably add some weight training to this workout regimen.

Person A, on the other hand, has more information and knowledge - but she's failed to launch. As a result of that, she lost what little motivation and commitment she had for reaching her goal and slowly gained another 10 pounds over the next six months.

Success, results and the outcome is achieved faster for those who take massive imperfect action now and apply Speed Of Implementation to everything they do.

Notice I said imperfect action. 

It's never going to be the right time. 

It's never going to be 100% right. 

But you constantly have to take imperfect action. 

It's ok that you're still tweaking things and learning more, but at least you're taking action. 

So...I challenge can you apply more SOI into your life?

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling