This week I'm shining the spotlight on Coach Josh pretty hard.
He's a wealth of knowledge, and he's too humble to talk about himself.
He just launched his at home workout builder, and you'll see me push it a few more times this week.
Sure he'll make a few bucks, but I've seen the work and dedication that went into this product from day one.
Plus, everyone needs a safe and efficient library of at home workouts to do.
Here's a quick guest post from the man himself....
Ready Fire Aim
Ready, fire, aim. This is not a logical sequence of events; without aiming first there is a chance you might miss.
You might even fail.
The fear of failure holds us back from enjoying so many foreign, beautiful things in this life.
Ready, aim, fire is safe. I can take my time to prepare for all possible scenarios, I can take my time to make sure I am right on target.
“I think I’m going to miss my mark so let me go back and prepare some more. Ok, now I am really ready, sights look good.”
Then you second guess again.
“Oh, I just remember I have to clean the house first and I think I could do this whole healthy life style business even better if I just come back to it later.”
It is so rare to get something right the first time. It is, dare I say, ok and even natural to not succeed the first time you do something.
We as humans always have an excuse of why we didn’t start working out or why did you never took that trip to Andorra you always wanted to go on. I am amazing at coming up with excuses. But if you don’t take the plunge, or pull the trigger on something new or different or scary, then you will miss out on a lot of amazing things in this life.
It is January; there are a lot of people starting fresh with their fitness journey this month. You may not have succeeded in the past (due to setting an unrealistic goal or not having a plan). You may have been planning on going out less or starting a workout routine this year for the first time but keep putting up a wall each time you decide to go for it.
Ready: Prepare yourself, don’t over-prepare.
Fire: Do it.
Aim: Look back on what did and didn’t work and make a change. Then do it all over again.
If you find yourself needing a little guidance in the preparation and aiming department, I have a great resource for getting you started off on the right foot. All you have to do is fire.
If you're in need of some quick on the go workouts to do at home or when you're traveling pick up Josh's At Home Workout Builder filled with a complete how-to guide, dozens of video demonstrations, and a "workout builder" to safely make your own at home workouts.
Grab it here ===>>> AT HOME WORKOUT BUILDER