Perfectly Imperfect

Did you notice?

Last week I sent out an e-mail with a typo.

In fact, I'm sure 99% of my e-mails have a handful of typos in them.

Perfectly imperfect. 

I'm a perfectionist. 

I am obsessive over every little detail, of everything.

Some call it being a control freak. 

It's how I live life. 

I have everything calculated to the penny, I never go to bed with an unread e-mail in my inbox, and I have every process for everything I do mapped out on checklists. 

Yet, I'm not perfect. 

I never will be. 

I've missed many of workouts I had scheduled, I suck at nutrition, I’ve made more mistakes than almost anyone, and I rarely cross the street in the crosswalk. 

Sure, I think the pursuit of perfection can lead to growth, greater attention to detail, and a level of success, but I've learned to not let it paralyze me. 

Kim and I have a saying with each other...

"Ship it!"

Get it out the door. 

Finish the project. 

Done is better than perfect. 

I've sent over 1,500 daily e-mails like this one you’re reading right now.

Imagine if I combed through every single one, analyzing every word before sending it?

You would never see an e-mail from me because I would never press send. 

As always, this translates to every aspect of life, especially fitness. 

Sure, there needs to be some thought, there needs to be some parameters, we need to genuinely care about things, we need to do good work and try hard, but you don't want perfection to stop you from taking action. 

“I’ll wait until I’m in shape to join the gym.”

“I’ll start on Monday.”

“I just need more time.”

We’ve heard it all.

Now, these are all valid reasons, by no means am I saying the above things aren’t real.

What I’m saying is there is never going to be a perfect time.

We’re always going to be short on time, things are always going to feel busy, and you’re never going to feel 100% ready.

The person that wakes up and just does something, anything, will always make more progress than the person that has the perfect plan or intent in their head but does nothing with it.

You will never have a perfect body, you will always find something to fault if that's how you measure happiness or success. 

Perfectly imperfect, in all aspects.

I just call it being human. 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling