What's that saying?
A checkup from the neck up?
Something like that, right?
This week will mark the halfway point of 2017.
It's a great opportunity to do a checkup, assess where you're at and what the rest of the year looks like.
First off, spend a few minutes reflecting on the first half of 2017.
What did you accomplish?
What worked really well?
What didn't work?
There's no need to spend a ton of time recapping the past, but I do think there is some value in looking back, celebrating the accomplishments, seeing if you can pick out patterns or things that you enjoyed you doing or things that you want to do more of as you head into the second half.
Then it's time to start thinking forward about what you want the rest of the year to look like.
If you could wave a magic wand and we're sitting together on New Year's Eve, what has happened?
Just start doing a brain dump on a piece of paper.
Maybe have a couple different categories such as family, financial, fitness, etc.
Under each category plug in what success looks like to you in the second half of 2017.
For family maybe it's a vacation or a certain amount of off days with the family.
For financial it could be a retirement goal or paying off that car loan. My suggestion here is to keep it focused on what you're keeping not how much you make.
And for fitness, you could take it a few different directions.
How about the 100 Workout Challenge? 100 workouts between July 1 and December 31st?
It could be a frequency challenge, a certain amount of sleep hours, a particular goal weight on an exercise, or a size pants you'd like to fit into.
Make sure all your goals follow the SMART principle.
They have to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
For best practice, my recommendation would be once you have it all down on paper condense each category into goal or "rock."
That way you leave the goal setting checkup with 3-5 rocks, one from each category of your life.
Keeping it focused like this will drastically increase the rate of success.
Take some time this week in a quiet space with a notebook and map out your success story for the rest of 2017.
1% Better.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling