Most of these daily posts that I write come from conversations I have with clients, conversations I have with fellow business owners, or…
random thoughts at 2:30am when I can’t shut my brain off.
Today, you’d be happy to know…
it’s from a conversation I had with a client :)
We were talking about all the different messages out there….
The fads that people try to get you to follow…
The strategies for the “quick-fixes”….
How much information can there possible be.
But you know what good coaching is about?
It’s rarely about educating (although that is a part of it), it’s typically more about finding way for you to take action.
It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes…
“It’s not always what you know, it’s what you bring everyday.”
Read that again.
It’s so important.
Quite often when we think about any area of life, our health, our wealth, our business, we spend so much time worrying about the “how” or the learning component so that we know more.
More often than not, it’s not about what you know, it’s about what you bring everyday.
And that’s the balance of good coaching.
Yes, you need to know, but really, what we’re trying to do is get you to bring your best everyday, to take action, and to do more than what you would normally do on your own.
It’s way less about the “how” and much more about ACTION.
I think it’s a good reminder for all of us…
It’s more about what you do everyday, the action you take, showing up, giving it your best, working hard, and using what you know.
Bringing your best….
Working as hard as you can…
Showing up when you don’t want to…
Being on time…
Staying positive…
Having a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset…
All of those things and more will take you much further than anything I can teach you.
1% Better.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling