Is That All?

I mentioned last week I had LASIK eye surgery. 

Things are going great, I can see better than ever, and only one thing sucks about it...

You can't workout for seven days after surgery. 

For seven days you can't touch your eyes, and they don't want sweat dripping down your eyes, or your eyes straining too hard. 

Now, as much as I'm bummed about not being able to workout for a week (especially during the MYZONE Challenge going on right now), I have used it as a good lesson. 

One of the biggest reasons why I love the Spurling Community so much and am proud of what we've built is because there's so much more than just workouts...

We can work on accountability...

We can work on nutrition...

We can work on our relationships...

We can work on gratitude...

We can work on recovery...

I like to describe it as spokes on a wheel. 

If you think of a wheel, with say a dozen spokes, the workout aspect is just one of them. 

Instead of getting too bummed out about not being able to workout for a week (I was on a good streak after bouncing back from the holidays/Kaden's first few months), I'm using it as a time to work on the other spokes. 

I've stayed right on par with my nutrition, and in fact, I would say it's been a little better since it's been a big focus. 

I have been sleeping more, spending more time thinking about what I'm grateful for, and spent the entire weekend hanging out with my son all day. 

Now, all things I could/should be doing all the time, it's not that I couldn't, I just made them the focus. 

Have heard the saying TOMA before? 

Top of Mind Awareness. 

That's all this stuff is. 

The hurdle for me not being able to workout has just brought the other spokes higher up the totem pole, more top of mind.  

So, wherever you are on your journey...

Remember, it's never going to go smooth. 

It's never going to be perfect. 

You're never going to be A+ at all spokes on the wheel. 

Every month, every week and every day you'll focus on one spoke over the other. 

It's about progress, not perfection, right?

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling

PS: I can't wait to get back to working out and if you'd like to join me we have a few spots left in our Metabolism Makeover. It starts April 2nd, but we have orientation on 3/29 so you must register soon. Spots are going fast. Click here to learn more and register.