The Infinity Center Comes To The Kennebunks

If you’ve been by Spurling Fitness recently you’ve noticed quite the mess.


Excavators, dirt kicking up, heavy machinery, etc.

Well, it’s the start of the next piece of our vision coming to fruition.

Since I started the Spurling brand back in 2012, I’ve always been a fan of two major things.

Coaching & Community.

That’s why at every single visit, non-negotiable, every client at Spurling Fitness has a coach with them to guide the session.

It’s also why we do things together in the local community, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity over the years, hosting events and volunteering opportunities, and really assuring that everyone that is a part of our organization feels like they are family, part of something bigger than themselves.

In our 2025 company vision, one line reads…

“Spurling Fitness is our base and baby and without this strong base, none of the other brands exist. We never forget that….”

We promise to always remember that and live that daily.

As many of you know, we have an incredible team, and we feel very strongly in our ability to coach (not just change your body but change your life), and with our network of peers and their abilities, this goes well beyond just working out.

We also feel that we can reach more of the community, and change more lives, without making more gyms.

It’s for that reason that we are building the…

Infinity Center.

The south view as you enter the parking lot. The Infinity Center to the left and Spurling Fitness to the right

The south view as you enter the parking lot. The Infinity Center to the left and Spurling Fitness to the right

Opening in January 2021, the Infinity Center, is a 5300 square foot expansion to our brand.

Although physically connected to Spurling Fitness, it will be its own brand serving the local community.

The 5300 square foot space is set out to create a true “destination” for those striving to get better.

Whether it be getting better physically, mentally, emotionally, or personally.

With its own private entrance, completely separate from Spurling Fitness, once you enter the space, it is divided into two main areas.

The first area is a multi-purpose room managed by Spurling Fitness.

This space will dual purpose as a studio and a classroom.

A sample image of the multi-purpose room in “studio” mode.

A sample image of the multi-purpose room in “studio” mode.

The more quaint and quiet studio space will allow us to bring in additional and complementary services to our existing offerings, such as yoga, meditation, and other restorative services.

The studio will also be used to film and record our STREAM sessions, a new branch to Spurling Fitness in 2020 which delivers online sessions and programming for clients wanting the convenience and flexibility to workout from home.

A sample image of what transforming it to a classroom or workshop space would look like

A sample image of what transforming it to a classroom or workshop space would look like

When not being used as a studio, it will be easily transformed into an event and classroom space.

Over the years we’ve built out complementary coaching programs such as nutrition coaching and life coaching.

These programs merit their own space, separate from the gym.

This will allow some of our long-tenured coaches to truly flourish and grow in some of the programs they’ve built through Spurling.

The space will also be available for guests and members of the community to use for events, as well as hosting our own Spurling events in the space.

Our team is highly sought after for consulting in the fitness industry, and the service industry at large, consulting for over 80 small businesses. We also plan to use this multi-purpose room to host consulting events and teachings.

To complete the Infinity Center, the remaining space will be comprised of medical office space, allowing us to bring in our peers in the health and wellness industry to be right “on campus.”

A sample image of the shared lobby for the medical office spaces

A sample image of the shared lobby for the medical office spaces

These spaces include medical, physical, occupational, and speech therapy, massage therapy, reflexology, counseling, and more.

Although they will be separate entities, we all share similar values and vision for changing lives and hope to create a true “campus” or “destination” for all of your health and personal development.

As a client of any provider, this will allow us to streamline communication and improve the user experience even more.

We continue to exist for one reason….

to change lives.

We’re so excited for the future, and although 2020 has been one for the history books, we’re so excited to be moving forward with this project.

We feel people need us more than ever before.

They need coaching, they need support, they need accountability, they need motivation, they need attention, and they need a place to go to care for them.

The fun part is, we feel more confident than ever before that we can deliver on that, especially now with the Infinity Center coming to fruition.

Thank you for being a part of this amazing community.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling

*For press or space inquiries regarding the Infinity Center please contact

**Financing provided by Kennebunk Savings Bank

***General Contracting provided by Patco Construction