Hide Your Face...

She walked in the door, her hand trying to hide her face like she was ashamed to walk through the door.

“I’ve been lazy, I haven’t been working out, and I’m embarrassed because I haven’t been here in so long.”

My response…

“It’s so great to see you, awesome job walking through those doors.”

That’s been a trend this week, and is typically a trend in September, it’s probably just heightened due to the pandemic.

Listen, I’m right there with you…

My workouts have been inconsistent at best, I’ve put on some weight during the pandemic, and I’m not feeling awesome about my fitness.

I feel lazy, but I also know that my focus has been elsewhere, and that’s okay.

I also know that I’ll get back on track, I didn’t lose everything I’ve worked on.

I know that’s a tough mindset to get to, and believe me, I certainly have the daily internal battles and negative self-talk too.

But what other option do you have?

We’re not going to throw in the towel and just give up on our health forever.

Get back on the saddle.

I know this summer has been crazy, there’s been no routine, we all have probably packed a few extra pounds on, and we’re not feeling awesome.

But here’s the thing…

Action breeds motivation.

Just do something.

Just hop on a STREAM session in your living room…

Just walk through the door, and let our team take care of the rest.

I know it’s hard, I know you’ll be embarrassed because it’s been awhile, but trust me, my team and I want to welcome you back with open arms, and there is ZERO shame.

I’m not saying any of this is easy, but often what we need to do most is not easy.

I can’t wait to see you in September.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling