Excellence in the Ordinary

Excellence in the ordinary. 

This may be one of my favorite lines. 

I use it a lot with our team. 

It's about doing the small, boring, ordinary things with excellence.

Sometimes we try to really get fancy, do some special things, and that causes the ordinary things to drop. 

What makes the biggest impact?

Excellence in the ordinary. 

Your fitness journey is the same thing. 

It's about doing the small, boring, daily things with excellence. 

You know what I'm talking about...

Good sleep.

High water intake. 

A solid amount of protein. 

Movement daily. 

The ordinary things done with excellence will always produce better results than doing the "shiny" things inconsistently. 

As the fitness industry continues to expand you'll be bombarded with more and more "quick fixes" and "shiny objects."

It will be those that say disciplined with excellence in the ordinary things that see life-long changes and avoid the dreaded yo-yo cycle of progress. 

Don't' chase the rabbit. 

Excellence in the ordinary. 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling

PS: Last Monday I mentioned I would publish a #weeklychallenge each week for the remainder of 2017 to keep you focused through the holidays. This weeks challenge is to pick one ordinary thing that you're going to hyper-focus on and do it with excellence. I'm traveling a 22 of the next 25 days so my focus is going to be on getting in 3 workouts this week. Nothing fancy, but excellence in the ordinary. What's yours?