
Last week I talked about the 4 C’s for success…





Today, I have a 5th “C” on my mind that I’d like to talk about…


When you look up commitment in the dictionary it reads…

“the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.”

I’d like to share my definition or interpretation….

Staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.

It’s executing on the things you said you were going to do, long after the “honeymoon” phase has worn off.

It’s doing the things you know you should do, but maybe don’t want to do in the moment.

We can think of countless examples with commitment.

In relationships, in parenting, in our career, and of course, in fitness.

When we start a new job we’re excited, it’s the new shiny thing in our life.

However, if we look up five years later, are we growing, are we getting better, are we still giving 110% every day?

When we commit to doing something for a friend, we’re trying to help, but then the actual “work” comes in of doing the task, even if you now don’t feel like it.

Following through with your word, following through when you don’t want to.

Pushing through the struggle.

Now I’m not saying you should continue to do something you don’t enjoy, however, if you put a commitment to it, there was an emotion that went behind the commitment, and now the actual work sets in of fulfilling that commitment….

That’s the challenge.

The other thing we know about commitment is it typically takes 10x longer than you think, and we often don’t stick with the commitment long enough to see the result.

You commit to writing a book, you think it’s not going to be too bad, and you look up a year later and you’re still trying to get it done.

That was me with my book, and I know Kim is pushing through that right now.

You commit to being a master of your craft, to being the best in the world at what you do.

That’s a lifelong commitment, it never ends.

I have to chuckle at the trainers I talk to in the industry who tell me they’re a master trainer, they’re ready for the next thing, they think they deserve more, and they’ve been training for 4-5 years.

Just like any field, what do you say to that when you look around and you realize the top people in your industry have been doing it for DECADES, and are still humble enough to know they don’t know everything, are still working hard every day, and aiming to get better every day?

We, of course, see this with fitness all the time.

The ultimate commitment to fitness is a life-long commitment.

We don’t just lose 20lbs, check the box, and close up shop.

It’s a constant daily grind of staying active, finding things you enjoy doing, and constantly trying to get a little better.

The results will come, but they will always take longer than we think, and it will always be harder than we think at the point of commitment.

I was talking to a long-time client last night about her 79-year old dad.

He’ll be starting up with us because he’s ready for the next thing.

He’s been active, going for walks, playing golf, but he’s looking to stay strong, not lose that muscle mass, and help prevent injuries, falls, etc.

That’s commitment.

I’ve committed my life to three things…

  1. To My Family: Megan, Kaden, & my soon to be a daughter. To be a present husband and father, to provide for them, and to show them endless love.

  2. To Our Spurling Community: To recognizing and appreciating our team, to be the best leader possible, to our clients and the experience they have, and to our community at large, to leave it better than I found it, to making a difference.

  3. To Myself: To constantly getting better emotionally and physically, learning from every mistake, constantly have a never-ending pursuit that there is always a better way to do things, and to get 1% Better everyday.

That’s my commitment.

What’s yours?

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling