I know we're heading into summer and things are finally feeling like spring, but I need to use the snowflake as an analogy for today's lesson.
And no, it's not the "every snowflake is unique" one....
When we get hammered with 12"+ of snow, what does it start with?
One single snowflake.
When you're in the front yard building snowballs to erect a giant snowman with your kids, what does it start with?
One single snowflake.
No matter how big the storm, no matter how big the snowball, it all started with one snowflake.
My challenge for you is to pick one snowflake (one action item) to execute on.
Action kick-starts motivation.
I've talked about motivation at length, but one of the most important things to understand about motivation is this...
It doesn't come out of anywhere. You don't just wake up and suddenly fee motivated.
It comes from action.
You start doing something small, then the momentum builds, motivation begins, and you start tackling the problem.
But it started with that one small action, just like the snowstorm started with that one snowflake.
How many days a week should I work out?
If you're doing nothing right now, my suggestion is going to be one.
How much protein should I have?
If you're getting 50 grams right now, my suggestion is going to be 60.
Building a snowball out of snowflakes is the perfect analogy of 1% better.
It starts with one snowflake, then another, then it starts rolling, collecting more, more momentum, and as long as you can find more snowflakes the snowball will continue to get better.
The biggest frustration in fitness is a lack of results, right?
It can be a plethora of things, but most often it's the idea that they have to overhaul everything at once.
They have to go to the gym 4x per week, they have to eat perfect, etc.
They end up doing that for a week, realize it's not sustainable, get frustrated, and quit.
That's why building the snowball one snowflake at a time will always win in the long-term.
Will you lose 10lbs a week, probably not?
But guess what?
If you lose .5lb a week for the next 12 months you'd be down over 25lbs!
Pick one small thing you can do a little better each day.
One more serving of vegetables.
One more workout.
One more hour of sleep.
One more set.
One more...
Stack that day after day and you'll have the strongest, leanest, best feeling, best-looking snowman/woman in the world :)
Make sense?
1% Better.
Dedicated to Your Success,
Doug Spurling
PS: We just opened up registration for our next 6-Week Transformation Challenge that starts on 5/15. This is a complete program, guaranteed to kick-start your transformation through coaching at every workout, daily and weekly accountability, nutritional support, and a family that wants you to succeed. We only take 20 dedicated people per challenge, so grab a spot today. All spots will fill. Register here: 6-Week Transformation Challenge