Blue Sky...

I write this, a hot cup of coffee to my left, and looking out the window to a sky that is gray and gloomy.

But you know what…

I know high above those gray clouds is a blue sky, and the blue sky will shine again soon.

Life can be tough sometimes, it can feel chaotic, and things might not go our way.

Those are the clouds in our life. 

But what we tend to forget is the blue sky is always there. 

You're going to have days, weeks, and times in your life where you feel like you have that black cloud hanging above you and you can't escape it. 

But remember, the blue sky is always there. 

Those clouds will pass. 

Have you ever taken off on a plane on a cloudy or stormy day, and then as soon as you elevate above the clouds you get blinded by the sun and blue sky in your window?

That's a great reminder that the blue sky is always there. 

No matter the situation, no matter how frustrated, angry, scared, or sad you are, remember...

The blue sky is always there. 

It's the cloudy days and the rainstorms where growth occurs. 

If every day was a blue sky no growth would occur. 

Think about our great green earth. 

Things live, thrive, and stay green, partly because of the water that falls from the sky, water that is formed on those dark days. 

Our biggest growth happens on those dark cloudy days. 

Think back to the times in your life when you had the most personal growth. 

The change was usually the result of something negative. 

I’m not sure what tomorrow brings, but I do know one thing…

We’ll get through it, and we’ll see the blue sky again.

No matter how many clouds, the blue sky is always there. 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling