Be A Beginner

Yesterday I wrote about challenging labels we give ourselves…

“I’m not handy.”

“I’m not fit.”

Today, it got me thinking about a parallel lesson.

Embrace the joy and frustrations of being a beginner.

Recently I picked up a hobby of mountain biking.

It’s been a nice combination of exercise and the peace and quiet of nature.

However, the most fulfilling thing about it?

I’m terrible.

I get winded going up hills.

I have to put my feet down when I hit certain rock structures.

I feel like such a beginner.

But that’s what brings the most joy.

The success is in the struggle.

In our adult lives there are certain things we do enough that we just get really good at them.

It could be a hobby that you’ve done for years that you just do so naturally now.

Or it could be your job, you’ve done it for years, and the tasks are second nature.

Although the majority of our day is filled with unconscious habits, I feel it’s important in life to always have something you feel like a beginner at.

It creates humility, yet it creates fulfillment.

It challenges you as much as it frustrates you.

Without the challenge we can just go through the motions.

And although it’s great to have routine and confidence in things, it can also create a stale feeling, a lack of fulfillment.

What can you do, what can you pick up, that you will feel like an absolute beginner at?

For a lot of us, it was fitness.

Joining a gym, an intimidating atmosphere…

Getting sore after the fist workout…

Not knowing how to do any of the exercises…

You feel like a beginner.

But we all have to start somewhere with everything.

And the fulfillment and joy that comes from working through those challenges, getting a little better every time, that is what creates happiness.

Be a beginner again.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling