Absolutely Overwhelmed

You’re busy and your life feels very hectic.

You don’t have time to make it to the gym…and you certainly don’t have time to eat healthy and keep your nutrition straight.

You’re about to pull your hair out…

Between the shopping (support local) and those guests that seem to be squatting at your house…

It’s no wonder why you feel overwhelmed about your life right now. 

I’m right there with you.

But here a couple things that can help…

I don’t know what you’re personally going through…but I can tell you these three tips are powerful…and might keep you from feeling COMPLETELY overwhelmed.

And once you’re feeling a bit less overwhelmed, you can focus on the one thing that matters:

You and your health (mental and physical).

Here are three strategies that might help.

1. Reassess Your Focus

You have a lot going on right now and you’re being pulled in multiple directions…I call it Stretch Armstrong (remember him?).

And this can lead you to be completely overwhelmed. 

You’re only human and it’s unrealistic to think you can handle everything that comes your way. 

Focus your efforts on one task at a time.

As I like to say, we can multi-task, but we can’t multi-focus.

Take a chapter from my book, One Percent Better..

The most popular chapter is the Big 3.

Plan your day the night before, write down the three most important things for that day.

Do those first, focus on those three things before anything else.

This will make things a lot easier to accomplish, and could reduce your stress dramatically.

2. Focus On What You Can Control

There is nothing worse than feeling like you’re spiraling out-of-control.  Am I right? 

But here’s the deal:

Focus on the things you can control, and let go of the things you can’t (I know that’s easier said than done right now but there is SO MUCH we can’t control right now).

This will alleviate a lot of stress, and return your focus to the task at hand. 

Also, breaking down tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps could also help you focus on the things you can control, and not on the things you can’t. 

Just knock those small things off your to-do list, and you will feel better about what you’re doing.

3. Practice Relaxation

As you gear up for the holidays, it’s important that you focus part of your time on mindfulness and relaxation techniques. 

Deep breathing, meditation, and stretching are all great stress relieving practices you can incorporate into your day that reduce stress. 

It’s why I posted about the challenge I’m doing (300 kettlebell swings and a 3 mile walk everyday). Some days I may add in more intense workouts, but the three mile walk is my time to think, breath, and do an active meditation.

If the gym is a source of relaxation for you, then do it.  

It’s easy to push these tasks aside, but if you schedule them into your day, your health (both mental and physical) will be happy you did.

The holidays can be stressful, and can make you feel overwhelmed with every task you need to do. 

We know the more stress you’re under, the more likely it will be that you will overeat, crave unhealthy foods, and create a perfect storm for weight gain. 

But, if you practice these three tips when you feel overwhelmed, you may have a greater sense of relief, and you could keep your weight loss on track.  

Finding a good outlet, like the gym, to alleviate your stress, could not only keep you on track, but might also make you a much healthier and happier person to be around. 

If you’re unsure how to get started, reach out and we can guide you along the way.

1% Better.

Dedicated To Your Success,

Doug Spurling