A Dog(Or Kid) & Their Bones (Or Toys)

There’s a good saying that goes something like this…

“The dog that tries to pick up two bones usually drops both.”

It’s a great line to remember we can’t be focusing on two things at the same time.

It’s also a teaching moment I’ve been working on with Kaden (my two year old).

Quite often when it’s time to clean up his toys he tries to pick them all up at once, and although I appreciate the effort, he always is dropping one as he tries to pick up the one he dropped a second ago.

We also see this when it comes to eating.

When it’s time to eat, there can’t be anything else going on, no toys, no electronics, etc.


Distraction, of course.

He tries to eat, and he ends up getting distracted with his police car or the dinosaurs on TV.

Now, I’m not saying we need to treat ourselves like a dog or a toddler, but there’s certainly a lesson we can pull away from that.

When a new client joins the gym, we know it can be overwhelming and daunting.

We aim to get them to focus on one thing…

Walk in this door 10 times.

That’s it.

Don’t try to change nutrition, don’t worry about fat loss or strength, don’t worry about anything else other than walking through the door ten times.

What we’re trying to do is build the habit of frequency.

We need frequency as the foundation before we change anything else.

If we try to set goals and go after multiple things like frequency, losing body fat percentage, getting stronger, changing nutrition, all at the same time, we have no focus and typically suffer.

Focus on one thing at time, make it a habit, and then, only then, stack another habit on top of it.

For most, walking through the door, frequency is the first habit they need to build.

Spurling needs to become part of your weekly routine, jus like dropping the kids off at school or going to Sunday Church is.

Once that is a habit (there is no magic number of days, it’s when you feel it’s become second nature), then, and only then, can you start trying to change and go after more like specific goals, nutrition, etc.

The coaches at Spurling are the best of the best, and their happy to sit down with you and break this down in a Strategy Session.

If you’d like to schedule one just reply and let us know…

To wrap, I’m not saying let’s only go after one bone, or let’s only go after one thing, or let’s only pick up one toy, I’m just saying let’s on pick up one at at time.

Then the next one…

And the next one…

And the next one…

Stack em’.

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling