98 Days Left

There are 98 left in 2020…

I see it all the time.

“When is 2020 going to be over?”

I get it, I’m right there with you.

It’s been a sucky year on many fronts.


That doesn’t mean we need to just throw in the towel and expect there to be a magic reset button on January 1, 2021.

Yesterday the team and I met for our quarterly planning meeting.

We made some decisions on what we want to tackle the rest of the year to continue to improve the client experience, how we need to improve our communication, recoup some of our losses, and strategically assuring we keep working towards a “family-feel” within our community even though it is spread between online and in person, people are in pods, and it’s just a weird energy year in general.

But we’re confident we can make progress the rest of the year…

And that’s my point.

You can too.

Now, it’s doesn’t have to be perfect progress, and it probably won’t be as much as you’d like, but you can still make improvements.

1% Better, right?

So my action item for you...

Take a few minutes today and make a list of what you want to make improvements on in the next 98 days. 

Look at the goals you had for 2020…

What’s left?

Be specific. 

Don't just say lose weight or get stronger…

How many pounds?

How much body fat?

How many workouts are you going to get in?

Make it specific so you know what success looks like in the end. 

You can also do this for things like financials(how much will I save in the next 100 days?), books read, days in your gratitude journal, a number of nights with more than 7 hours of sleep, etc. 

Get it all down. 

Then, take relentless action. 

I'll be doing it too, so I hope you can join me. 

Who's ready to finish 2020 STRONG?

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling