5 Reasons You're Not Seeing Results (They're Not What You Think)

Today I'm going to come at things from a different approach.

Typically you'd read a line like above and think that I'm going to talk about exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

Well, of course, that stuff is important if you're not seeing results, but let's look at things from a different angle today. 

According to Marshall Goldsmith, there are only five reasons why people do not succeed with their nutrition and fitness goals. 

My objective today is to outline the five and give a line or two of insight into how you can conquer that hurdle. 

1. Time: They don't have time to do it. It takes longer than they expected.

This is the most common one. I've talked about this several times, but ultimately if this is your current hurdle you need to look at what's most important to you. 

Why do some people have time to workout and others don't? 


There's no right or wrong answer, only you decide what is important to you, but if you're saying you don't have time, what you're really saying is it's not a priority right now. 

Also, the second half of the reason, it takes longer than they expected. 

You have to get past that this is going to be a 14-day fix, and then you'll be done.

You must find something that you love doing so much you do it the rest of your life. 

Getting results is hard work, it takes much longer than people think, and that ties nicely into the number two reason. 

2. Effort: It's harder than they expected. It's not worth all the effort. 

This stuff is hard. 

If it was easy, 70% of the world would not be overweight. 

You have to put in the daily effort, the daily grind of getting 1% better. 

Start small, snowball that, but realize you're going to have bumps along the way, and that's all part of it.

That brings us to number three. 

3. Distractions: They do not expect a "crisis" to emerge that will prevent them from staying with the program. 

We love 10 workouts a month at Spurling.

It's what we recommend for 90% of our clients. 



There will be things that pop up, there will be hurdles that get in the way, and there will be setbacks. 

That's just part of the fun of being on this journey of getting 1% better. 

If you think you're going to just go on cruise control and get 3-4 workouts EVERY week, you're setting yourself up for failure. 

Instead, 10 workouts a month allows for some weeks that are rolling smooth to be 3-4 times, and other weeks where things pop up to be 1-2 times. 

Kids, work, family, school, medical, etc.

It will all come up. 

So, having goals is important, but be ok with not hitting them every time, and prep for distractions. 

4. Rewards: After they see some improvement, they don't get the response from others that they expected. People don't immediately love the new improved person they've become. 

This is a loaded one. 

First off, it's important to get rewarded and recognized for all your hard work. 

That's why we do things like Frequent Sweaters Club (10+ Workouts that month), Client Spotlights, Personal Record Boards, Fat Loss Club, and so much more at Spurling. 

We recognize that this process is hard, and we want to recognize our client's hard work. 

You need to find someone and/or somewhere that is going to support you through the entire process. 

The second half of number four is a bit more loaded. 

Basically, people think once they hit their goal, say 20lbs of weight loss, that glitter is going to fall from the sky and all of their happiness is going to overwhelm them. 

Well, that's simply not the case. 

I've talked a lot about what true happiness is but happiness is not a destination, it's a process. 

It's having a clear vision, being a part of a journey, and having values bigger than just yourself.

This process is hard and ongoing, so it's important to have support and recognition along the way.  

5. Maintenance: Once they hit their goal, people forget how hard it is to stay in shape. Not expecting that they'll have to stick with the program for life, they slowly backslide or give up completely. 

This is the epitome of 1% better. 

Fall in the love with the process. 

Now, that you will have to find something you love so much that it becomes something you GET to do, not something you HAVE to do. 

Review this list of five reasons and work on the area that you struggle with the most. 

1% Better.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Doug Spurling

PS: Registration closes on Wednesday for our next 6-Week Transformation Challenge. Click here to grab a spot.